精出せば、凍る間もなし水車 Sei daseba kooru mamonashi mizu-guruma.

  • 解釈:絶えず働いていれば、仕事も捗(はかど)り、身体も丈夫になって、事目出度しである。
  • Literal:If a water wheel works eagerly, there will be no freezing spare time.
  • Interpretation:I would also like to become like the water wheel which is turning continuously. As the mill is constantly laid on, I want to be.
  • 類義:稼ぐに追い付く貧乏なし。稼げば身立つ。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.